Essential Things to Know If You Are a G1 Licence Driver

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Essential Things to Know If You Are a G1 Licence Driver

February 6, 2022 by Carol

In Ontario, there are 12 different categories of drivers licences. You start at the G1 Level and climb up to other types depending on your skill and needs. If you want to elevate to a full G licence, you must keep a clean driving record and always drive safely. 

Here are some things you must know if you want to stay safe with your G1 driver's licence.

What Happens If You Are Caught Driving Alone with a G1 Licence?

If you are caught driving alone with a G1 licence, your licence will be suspended promptly. This is that period of time that you cannot drive at all—period.

What Happens If You Are Caught Driving with a G1 Licence with Alcohol in Your System?

If you are caught driving with the G1 licence with even a small amount of alcohol in your system, you will be suspended for at least three months. Keep in mind that this is the minimum suspension, and you could be suspended for longer.

What Happens If You Are Caught Driving with a G1 Licence with Marijuana in Your System?

The penalties for marijuana usage with a G1 licence are similar to alcohol usage. If you are caught driving with a G1 licence with marijuana in your system, you will be suspended for between three months to one year.

What Are Demerit Points and What Happens If You Get Them?

Demerit points are a penalty that you receive on your OSS (Ontario Safety Standards) record if you are caught driving in an unsafe manner. Fines and suspensions are also penalties that you can get if you receive enough demerit points.

How Much Do Demerit Points Accumulate and How Do You Get Them?

Demerit points accumulate on a yearly basis and you receive them whenever you are caught doing one of the following while you are driving:

  • Failed to stop at a red light
  • Failed to stop at a stop sign
  • Made a turn in the wrong direction
  • Driving without a seat belt or driving without your tires properly inflated

You can get a ticket for lots of different things, including speeding, failing to signal, and tailgating. You can be ticketed if you do any of the following:

  • Aggressive driving
  • Driving with a pet on your lap
  • Driving while intoxicated
  • Driving without a valid permit or licence
  • Driving without insurance
  • Drunk driving

If you are ticketed, you will receive demerit points on your OSS record.

What Are the Limitations for G1 Drivers in Ontario?

There are limitations that you must adhere to if you have a G1 licence in Ontario. Some of those limitations are:

  • You must drive with a G1 licence for at least 12 months before you can apply for the G2 licence.
  • You must always make sure that your passengers wear their seatbelts, and if they do not, you will be fined.
  • You must not use a cellphone or any other device that is not equipped with hands-free capabilities while you are driving.
  • You must not drive for extended periods of time without breaks, and you must make sure to get a break at least every 2 hours.
  • You must not exceed the speed limits stated on your driver's licence.
  • You must not drive at night without your headlights on.

Final Thoughts

If you are serious about learning how to drive and about developing your skills as a driver, you should do everything you can to get a G1 licence as soon as possible, including learning from a professional driving school. Once you have it, make sure you avoid causing problems so you can move to a higher licence level soon.

If you're looking for a G1 driving test in London, Ontario, visit Drivewise London today. We are a provider of SafeStart, a beginner driving education program, to help you be fully equipped before you navigate the roads yourself. Contact us today for more information.

Read also: Our Guide to Getting a G Class Driver's Licence in Ontario

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